Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Hiting the Highlands

It's was that time again and we got itchy feet,the beast had been checked and we headed out of town, then eventually to go off road . There were quite a few jobs to do before hand, ordering and hiring equipment networking with those on the ground. This time we were helping to refurbish a building that was a coastguards look out post, the exisiting materials had seen better days. A new face lift was needed , this time it was to be fitted with timber that'll last 60 years without any painting or varnishing. Eco friendly or what ! It's great giving some thing back to the environment, to communities and those that might need shelter for the night. I for one I'll be looking for inspiration to bring back to Bandanaworkshop HQ. Keeping up with maintainance is no joke, the amount of organising involved is amazing. I take my bandana off to the project organiser what a guy.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Licence to thrill

It been nice clearing out the files. Just by chance I hit upon some old footage of last years visit to Chessington Work of Adventures with the Bandana kids and friends. I had the best seat in the house and managed to film a whole sequence of events. So watch this space for more of our crazy antics in between and during workshops.

It all work and play with us the opportunities that we've had to travel have been a sure thing to awaken our sences and to refocus on life.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Birthday's and Hesfes 2009

We're frantically preparing for a member of the crew who's having a birthday all systems go ! The evening went well off for a swim at the local baths then off to Nando's for a slap up meal. The food was great very tasty, we'll definately be going back they gave a lovely selection of wine. We then went back to HQ to carry on the birthday celebrations. I just love sparklers !

We're also packing to head off to hesfes tomorrow,the beast has been checked oiled and given some juice. It's starting to look a bit full under the amount of gear we're taking, that's including the crew.

It's a good thing we got the chance to gig the bandana workshop at Burnbake before the next event ,we do miss the old workshop but this ones even bigger. Mind you we didn't need do a inventory on our tents to check if all the gear was there. Well it was packed properly from the last trip and we didn't leave anything behind. At least we know how the workshop goes up we could all crash in it if we need to. We're not far from Bandana workshop HQ, so we can always go back if we've forgotten something. Check it out ! Hesfes

We've had some very creative attendees, their designs has been superb.

We meet lots of people on our travels who do the most interesting things here's Sharnarose hoop dancing.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

On the road

This is after ! Lol

We headed off for a day of exploring to Corfe Castle ,this is before.

The summer has been kind this year, we've been out and about on the road around the UK with our bandana workshop. Burnbake Campsite in Dorset was a great week. A big thanks to those who came to share our workshop, chilling on the beaches, warming by the camp fires and creating lots of great designs.


This is our first posting of many more. We started five years ago at a festival with mud, rain and lots of enthusiasm with a passion for bandana headscarves that's addictive. A lot has happened since then, we've grown with our artists giving them scope and space to be creative and a medium to shine.

Thanks for coming to see us, if you want us to come to your event get in touch. No function is too small or to great, we accommodate all.