It's was that time again and we got itchy feet,the beast had been checked and we headed out of town, then eventually to go off road . There were quite a few jobs to do before hand, ordering and hiring equipment networking with those on the ground. This time we were helping to refurbish a building that was a coastguards look out post, the exisiting materials had seen better days. A new face lift was needed , this time it was to be fitted with timber that'll last 60 years without any painting or varnishing. Eco friendly or what ! It's great giving some thing back to the environment, to communities and those that might need shelter for the night. I for one I'll be looking for inspiration to bring back to Bandanaworkshop HQ. Keeping up with maintainance is no joke, the amount of organising involved is amazing. I take my bandana off to the project organiser what a guy.