Thursday, 9 December 2010

Flashmob Mco Mambo West side Story

Don't you just love when people get together the enjoy each others company? Theses girls and guys got together to form a unexpected Guerrilla Orchestra in a train station check out the vid.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Scottish Highland Road trip

Spent the weekend in meetings in Scotland, looking for new venues to visit and walks. Travelling was easier this time,there was a lot less to carry. Just my cargo bag with my rucksack folded in half and stuffed inside,some clothes, my bandanas and everything I stood in. I had to make my mind up, not a easy choice having such a large selection of bandanas to choose from ,So I stuck to my polka dot navy blue stripped ones.

No tent ? I here you ask ,I was kindly put up by a wonderful couple who kept me fed with the most delicious meals and warm hospitality. I am for ever grateful,check out the Crask Inn in Sutherland.

The beast was given a rest. Mind you, the hills were a lot harder to climb with a hatchback. Not enough power,but there's a real difference between a diesel workhorse and a unleaded go cart you can't kip in ( not enough leg room).

Headed to Torridon for a jaught, stayed over night. It's always great to walk along the coast line, the weather was superb. Not too hot or cold, perfect ,I got indoors just as dusk was falling. No need for head torches and walking in the dark.

Took some coal in and got the stove going (didn't need my gas stove in the end). A welcome relief to be able to dry off my damp clothes and get cleaned up and put on some dry warm stuff. Dinner was Stag chilli and rice, I struggled to finish it.

There was a full moon, I could see bats fluttering about in the dusk and the sea was so peaceful and calm.

Slept well and rose early the next day. I always do after a long days travelling and walk. It seemed funny having chicken soup for breakfast, but it was either eat it or leave it. Boy it tasted good with the left over naan bread. The porridge was easier to carry out. Tided up and left, the scenery was beautiful, clear blue skies, you could see all the Hebrides. Click here to checkout the pictures.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Sweet music to our ears

Every now and then there a song that rocks the bandana. This one hits the spot, check out Shaun Mullings singing Lullaby on his acoustic trip. This guy is a on his way !

Friday, 5 November 2010

Happy Guy Fawkes

That time has arrived, when we all get the chance to let off the biggest fireworks,with sparklers standing around the fire.Looking forward to hot chocolate or a nice toddy ?It's going like the clappers outside.

Remember to rap up warm and wear you bandana with pride.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Hello Lulworth Cove, Dorset

The sun was on our side. We took a mad trip to the coast to soak up some rays and breathe some sea air. Starting our journey in the early hours, we miss the traffic ,managing to get to Dorset without stress.

We pulled up safely and opened up the tailgate for breakfast .Getting out the chopping board , we cut the tomatoes,ripped open the packet of baconand fired up the stove to cook our morning pick me up. Finishing off with a mug of tea.

The weather was looking dodgy to start with, the heavens opened. But by the better part of the day, the rain dried up so we could feast in peace, leaving the sun smiling on everyone in Dorset.

I went to Lulworth Cove visitor centre to learn about the landscape, absolutely fascinating, another visit will be needed to take it all in. I had the most amazing mint ice cream in the parlour next door. Thank you for cooling me down.

We stayed over night and woke up to another sunny day after a mug of tea, we headed home to catch the rest of the day. Sharing to another great breakfast with the bandana crew. No rest for the wicked !

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Summer Love

What can I say the summer is here and love in this air. The sunshine always get us excited as we plan for more trips out and about.

Inspiration comes in all forms Check out our gallery click here.

Hesfes 2010

What a fantastic week ! The weather was on our side this year we managed to set up and celebrate on the same day another birthday and a year older. This nearly turned out to be a birthday disaster. The cake was turned upside down upside on the way to Hesfes. This required quick thinking a kind contribution from J, thank you for all your support we couldn't have done it without you.

Again some incredible work from all attendees what can we say but thanks for coming !

Check out your work click here

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Burnbake Camp 2010

The weather was brilliant, the beaches quiet, milky way brimming with stars . What an awesome week. We couldn't have had it better. Thanks for coming to share our week of fun. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

The woods next to the camping field.

We took a trip to Corfe Castle to brush up on some local history.
And some combat skills.

One of the many days in Swanage .

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Festival season count down

We're looking forward to this years events. Unfortunately, we've had to send our workshop off to be repaired. The zip has seen better days. Fingers crossed we'll get it back on time.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Thursday, 18 March 2010

The St Patrick's day celebrations continue

We dressed in our green bandanas and danced the afternoon away sipping the black and white stuff. It was such a scream.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Happy St Patricks Day

So are you preparation for the knees up of the season ? All over the world everyone is celebrating Click here to get more information. To get hold of your own little bit of emerald to celebrate you event click here

We just love this song by John Mayer-St Patricks Day

Happy Mothers Day

It's been great so far, been served up with breakfast, cups of tea , jaffas, cheese, biscuits ,wine and now the smell of dinner is making me hungry.

Hey Mothers! Have a great day !

Monday, 1 March 2010


When first saw the still of this I wanted to find out more .What a brilliant idea no electronics or moving parts but a lot of fun.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Pancake Day !(Shrove Tuesday )

Hi, I'm so excited ! I've been testing all my frying pans to work out which one is the best one to toss my pancakes in. I've worked out that the best one to use is a nonstick and not to toss but to cook one side and grill the other then toss to finish.

I served up my pancakes with apple,strawberries and some golden syrup. Wearing my Chef's Chequered Bandana to keep with the spirit of the occasion. You can get yours here

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Happy Valentines Day !

Wow ! I got spoilt rotten thank you for the beautiful card and message today and also for that fantastic brunch. I hope you all are having a great a time today.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Bandana of the Month-Retro Love

Hi all, just a quick note, it's February we thought about Valentines day did you ? We just love this Bandana,it brings out the laid back feelings of just hanging out and having fun. If you want one for yourself or the person in your life click here

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Valentines Day

So that time comes around again when some one special needs reminding that they are no .1 in you lives. Don't disappoint them, say it with a bandana click here to make some one feel special.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Belated Happy New Year

So the old year ended on a quite note . We found ourselves sitting in front of the box ,sing along to Hoternanny and shaking our hips to Tom Jones. We've been working on new projects this year .We hope to get out an about around the UK chilling on the beaches,backpacking and driving to set up various workshops.